Legendary filmmaker Sam Raimi (“Spider-Man,” Evil Dead,” “The Grudge”) and director Gil Kenan (“Monster House”) contemporize the 1982 classic about a family whose suburban home is haunted by evil forces. When terrifying apparitions escalate their attacks and hold the youngest daughter captive, the family must come together to rescue her before she disappears forever. With suspenseful storytelling and jaw-dropping visuals, this electrifying take on a spine-chilling classic will haunt you from its early nightmarish moments to its exhilarating climax!
Directed By
Gil Kenan -
Written By
David Lindsay-Abaire -
Produced By
Sam Raimi, Robert Tapert, Doug Davison, Roy Lee, Nathan Kahane -
Kyle Catlett, Saxon Sharbino, Sam Rockwell, Rosemarie Dewitt, Jared Harris, Jane Adams