After escaping from the alien planet, the ship carrying Ellen Ripley crashes onto a remote and inhabited ore refinery. While living in the ore refinery until she is rescued by her employers, Ripley discovers the horrifying reason for her crash: An alien stowaway. As the alien matures and begins to kill off the inhabitants, Ripley is unaware that her true enemy is more than just the killer alien.
Directed By
David Fincher -
Written By
Walter Hill, David Giler, Larry Ferguson -
Produced By
Gordon Carroll, David Giler, Walter Hill -
Vincenzo Nicoli, Danielle Edmond, Brian Glover, Holt McCallany, Hi Ching, Leon Herbert, Niall Buggy, Paul McGann, Paul Brennen, Peter Guinness, Pete Postlethwaite, Philip Davis, Ralph Brown, Christopher John Fields, Chris Fairbank, Carl Chase, Clive Mantle, Dhobi Oparei, Danny Webb, Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton, Charles Dance, Lance Henriksen