Fifty-seven years after surviving an apocalyptic attack aboard her space vessel by merciless space creatures, Officer Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) awakens from hyper-sleep and tries to warn anyone who will listen about the predators. Although she is ignored at first, when contact with colonists on a planet thought safe is suddenly lost, Ripley and a military team are sent to confront the aliens.
Directed By
James Cameron -
Written By
James Cameron -
Produced By
Gale Anne Hurd -
Trevor Steedman, Valerie Colgan, John Lees, Lance Henriksen, Al Matthews, Alibe Parsons, Alan Polonsky, Blain Fairman, Barbara Coles, Bill Paxton, Colette Hiller, Carl Toop, Carrie Henn, Cynthia Scott, Daniel Kash, William Hope, Jenette Goldstein, Mark Rolston, Michael Biehn, Paul Maxwell, Paul Reiser, Tip Tipping, Ricco Ross, Sigourney Weaver